Empower ME Tour with UNCF Las Vegas 2013!


Empower me tour 2013 collage


I was just sitting here waiting to do my part at the UNCF Empower ME Tour at UNLV (Sunday, October 20, 2013): I met some of the most intriguing MEN doing great work loving the way they serve.  I met  a brother named Kevin Molonson, from (Houston) living in Dallas, TX who came to share concepts for helping kids navigate through the college process.  While I was glad to hear of his work; my favorite part was hearing him share his love of scuba diving; how he’s traveled all over the world diving and in those moments he could see and feel GOD first hand.  Kevin went on to share how more times than he cared to mention, he would be the only person of color on the boat preparing to DIVE!  Kevin spoke passionately about wanting to change that dynamic.  I was intrigued; a brother from (I believe he said the 4th Ward) in Houston, Scuba Diving and wanting to share this with our kids!  I am cheering for him and I would like to try it myself! Kevin M was more than a blessing; then I met Kevin Cooper, currently working with UNCF and a graduate of Philander Smith College, a great HBCU in Arkansas.  Kevin C was the first graduate I ever met from this distinguished HBCU  and he raved about how this was the best college experience for HIM!  I listened to his Passions; Music, Ministry and his work with UNCF, all of it was refreshing!  The last brother I met in this amazing triad; was Dr. Alex Ellis, President and CEO of Tied to Greatness; an appropriate name for an outstanding advocate, teacher, speaker, purveyor of Fashion and Minister!  Alex walked in and upon finding out that we were both panelist (celebrity) began to probe about “how” I intended to engage the panel! Not a moment to waist; he shared that we ought to usher the kids to speak and not make it about us. I don’t know if I had an aura that said…”I CAN’T WAIT TO TALK ABOUT ME TONIGHT” but I just listened.  I started to smile inside and knew I met a like-minded spirit! So off we went to EMPOWER on the Empower Me Tour with UNCF.  I am never disappointed in these settings; I know that I will ultimately be the one receiving “empowerment” from the amazing young people who attend.  The truth; these kids are well ahead of where I was at their age.  Attending a pre-college event of this magnitude on a Sunday, says so much about how empowered they already are and I was so grateful to be asked to join!