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Our Mission

The mission of Goaldiggers the Sankofa Project; is to connect inner city teen girls of African descent to education and gain college access; by introducing them to the study of their ancestry and ethnic identity reinforcing a positive self-concept. Anthropological methodology, genealogical research and DNA testing will uncover and assure their ethnic identity. To culminate the two-year experience, participants will travel to Ghana, West Africa for a cultural immersion voyage.

Our goal is for each girl to become a college educated young woman with a positive self-concept and an assured ethnic identity; poised to serve her family, peers and community.

About the Sankofa Project

Some quasi-celebrity types, wait until they have a star on the Walk Of Fame in Hollywood and then plummet into obscurity; be it intentional or conditional; before they ever think about pouring into others. For some it becomes a way to stay relevant in the media or to create a cause that can fund their lifestyle. I know that may sound a bit jaded, yet I’ve seen it all too often. The litmus, who was doing the work when there were no cameras? Its one thing to achieve a measure of what the world sees as success, its another to model successful behavior and lifestyle choices. Do I have it all figured out, when it comes to mentoring, advocacy, womanhood training and self development? Not in the least. Yet I have been offering all that I have to girls and women of color since the age of 15. Over 25 years later, I still can’t rest if a girl from my old neighborhood “Park Heights” in Baltimore City(or any inner city) ; has not been given and opportunity to access and live her DREAM through education!

Program development, implementation, evaluation, speaking, advocating, is just a part of how I “show up” in the world. It is just as much a part of me as healing and lifting a load through laughter!

Goaldiggers The Sankofa Project; is my baby nurtured by the Open Society Institute-Baltimore. I was blessed to propose to OSI to support my efforts and received a Fellowship from (2010-2012) to develop and implement the program. Audacious Ideas for Lasting Change is their mantra.

What makes Goaldiggers The Sankofa Project Work?

  • A multidisciplinary program advisory team: Sociologist, Social Worker, Artist In Residence, Community Organizers.
  • Group and Individual Mentoring
  • Cultivation of College Readiness Skills: Introduction to research methodologies, critical thinking, writing and presentation.
  • Guest lecture series
  • Off-site trips
  • Innovative weekly sessions
  • Group Think and Cohesion
  • Creating a Sisterhood of like-minded, responsible, goal centered, young women.
  • Collaboration

How can you support?

Be a part this unprecedented project to get our girls to college and change the WORLD one community at a time visit: http://fusionpartnerships.wordpress.com/sponsored-projects/goaldiggers/

Goaldiggers The Sankofa Project is a program of Fusion Partnerships, Inc.  www.fusiongroup.org

So, as my life and gift shifts, I, alongside and amazing team of Advisors; Dr. Katrina Bell-McDonald, Dr. Makeba T. Green, Dawnita M. Brown,  Mya Ajanku, look to build our communities through this unprecedented model of education, mentorship and identity!

We still need your help so make your tax free donation today!


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