The mission of Goaldiggers the Sankofa Project; is to connect inner city teen girls of African descent to education and gain college access; by introducing them to the study of their ancestry and ethnic identity reinforcing a positive self-concept. Anthropological methodology, genealogical research and DNA testing will uncover and assure their ethnic identity. To culminate the two-year experience, participants will travel to Ghana, West Africa for a cultural immersion voyage.
Some quasi-celebrity types, wait until they have a star on the Walk Of Fame in Hollywood and then plummet into obscurity; be it intentional or conditional; before they ever think about pouring into others. For some it becomes a way to stay relevant in the media or to create a cause that can fund their lifestyle. I know that may sound a bit jaded, yet I’ve seen it all too often. The litmus, who was doing the work when there were no cameras? Its one thing to achieve a measure of what the world sees as success, its another to model successful behavior and lifestyle choices. Do I have it all figured out, when it comes to mentoring, advocacy, womanhood training and self development? Not in the least. Yet I have been offering all that I have to girls and women of color since the age of 15. Over 25 years later, I still can’t rest if a girl from my old neighborhood “Park Heights” in Baltimore City(or any inner city) ; has not been given and opportunity to access and live her DREAM through education!
Goaldiggers The Sankofa Project; is my baby nurtured by the Open Society Institute-Baltimore. I was blessed to propose to OSI to support my efforts and received a Fellowship from (2010-2012) to develop and implement the program. Audacious Ideas for Lasting Change is their mantra.
Be a part this unprecedented project to get our girls to college and change the WORLD one community at a time visit:
Goaldiggers The Sankofa Project is a program of Fusion Partnerships, Inc.
So, as my life and gift shifts, I, alongside and amazing team of Advisors; Dr. Katrina Bell-McDonald, Dr. Makeba T. Green, Dawnita M. Brown, Mya Ajanku, look to build our communities through this unprecedented model of education, mentorship and identity!